
Advent of Code 2022 Solutions
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9.scm (7361B)

      1 (define signed-shift
      2   (lambda (x)
      3     (if (= 0 x)
      4         0
      5         (/ x (abs x)))))
      7 (define next-knot-position
      8   (lambda (head-pos last-tail-pos)
      9     (let* ((x-delta (- (car head-pos) (car last-tail-pos)))
     10            (x-shift (signed-shift x-delta))
     11            (y-delta (- (cdr head-pos) (cdr last-tail-pos)))
     12            (y-shift (signed-shift y-delta)))
     13       (cond
     14        ;; We only move the tail when it's no longer touching the head
     15        ;; These conditions hold when the head moved right (+2) or left (-2)
     16        ;; and was already to that side of the tail
     17        ((= x-delta 2)
     18         (cons (+ (car last-tail-pos) 1)
     19               (+ (cdr last-tail-pos) y-shift))) ; Handle moving diagonally if necessary 
     20        ((= x-delta -2)
     21         (cons (- (car last-tail-pos) 1)
     22               (+ (cdr last-tail-pos) y-shift)))
     24        ;; These conditions hold when the head moved up (+2) or down (-2)
     25        ;; and was already to that side of the tail
     26        ((= y-delta 2)
     27         (cons (+ (car last-tail-pos) x-shift)
     28               (+ (cdr last-tail-pos) 1)))
     29        ((= y-delta -2)
     30         (cons (+ (car last-tail-pos) x-shift)
     31               (- (cdr last-tail-pos) 1)))
     32        (else last-tail-pos)))))
     34 (define move-knots
     35   (lambda (knots dir n move-list)
     36     (letrec ((last-chain (if (not (null? move-list))
     37                              (car move-list)
     38                              '()))
     39              (step-all-knots
     40               (lambda (position accum)
     41                 (if (> position knots)
     42                     (reverse accum)
     43                     (let* ((last-head-knot (if (not (null? last-chain))
     44                                                (list-tail last-chain position)
     45                                                '()))
     46                            (last-head-pos (if (not (null? last-head-knot))
     47                                               (car last-head-knot)
     48                                               (cons 0 0)))
     49                            (last-tail-pos (if (not (null? last-head-knot))
     50                                               (cadr last-head-knot)
     51                                               (cons 0 0)))
     52                            (prev-knot (if (not (null? accum))
     53                                           (car accum))))
     54                       (if (null? accum)
     55                           (let* ((initial-head-pos
     56                                  (and
     57                                   (cond
     58                                    ((char-ci=? dir #\u) (cons (car last-head-pos) (+ (cdr last-head-pos) 1))) ; Inc Y
     59                                    ((char-ci=? dir #\d) (cons (car last-head-pos) (- (cdr last-head-pos) 1))) ; Dec Y
     60                                    ((char-ci=? dir #\r) (cons (+ (car last-head-pos) 1) (cdr last-head-pos))) ; Inc X
     61                                    ((char-ci=? dir #\l) (cons (- (car last-head-pos) 1) (cdr last-head-pos))))))) ; Dec X
     62                             (step-all-knots (+ position 1)
     63                                             (list (next-knot-position initial-head-pos last-tail-pos)
     64                                                   initial-head-pos)))
     65                           (step-all-knots (+ position 1)
     66                                           (cons
     67                                            (next-knot-position prev-knot last-tail-pos)
     68                                            accum))))))))
     69       (if (= n 0)
     70           move-list
     71           (move-knots knots
     72                       dir
     73                       (- n 1)
     74                       (cons
     75                        (step-all-knots 0 '())
     76                        move-list))))))
     78 (define read-line
     79   (lambda (port)
     80     (letrec ((loop
     81               (lambda (accum)
     82                 (let ((c (read-char port)))
     83                   (if (or (eof-object? c) (char=? c #\newline))
     84                       (reverse accum)
     85                       (loop (cons c accum)))))))
     86       (loop '()))))
     88 (define read-next-move
     89   (lambda (port)
     90     (let ((instr (read-line port)))
     91       (if (not (null? instr))
     92           (let ((cmd (car instr))
     93                 (count (string->number (list->string (cddr instr)))))
     94             (cons cmd count))
     95           '()))))
     97 (define build-move-list
     98   (lambda (move-fn)
     99     (call-with-input-file "input"
    100       (lambda (port)
    101         (letrec ((loop
    102                   (lambda (move-list)
    103                     (let ((this-move (read-next-move port)))
    104                       (if (null? this-move)
    105                           move-list
    106                           (loop (move-fn (car this-move) (cdr this-move) move-list)))))))
    107           (loop '()))))))
    109 (define list-head
    110   (lambda (l n)
    111     (letrec ((loop
    112               (lambda (l accum n)
    113                 (if (= n 0)
    114                     (reverse accum)
    115                     (loop (cdr l) (cons (car l) accum) (- n 1))))))
    116       (loop l '() n))))
    118 ;;; Orders by X from low to high and then for same X values orders by Y from low to high
    119 (define coord-less-than?
    120   (lambda (c1 c2)
    121     (if (= (car c1) (car c2))
    122         (< (cdr c1) (cdr c2))
    123         (< (car c1) (car c2)))))
    125 ;;; Sloppy with all the reverses
    126 (define merge
    127   (lambda (left right)
    128     (letrec ((loop
    129               (lambda (left right accum)
    130                 (cond
    131                  ((null? left)
    132                   (reverse (if (null? right)
    133                                accum
    134                                (append (reverse right) accum))))
    135                  ((null? right)
    136                   (reverse (if (null? left)
    137                                accum
    138                                (append (reverse left) accum))))
    139                  ((coord-less-than? (car left) (car right))
    140                   (loop (cdr left) right (cons (car left) accum)))
    141                  (else (loop left (cdr right) (cons (car right) accum)))))))
    142       (loop left right '()))))
    144 (define sort-moves
    145   (lambda (move-list)
    146     (if (<= (length move-list) 1)
    147         move-list
    148         (let* ((mid (quotient (length move-list) 2))
    149                (left (list-head move-list mid))
    150                (right (list-tail move-list mid)))
    151           (merge (sort-moves left) (sort-moves right))))))
    153 (define unique
    154   (lambda (l)
    155     (letrec ((loop
    156               (lambda (l accum)
    157                 (cond
    158                  ((null? l) accum)
    159                  ((null? accum)
    160                   (loop (cdr l) (cons (car l) accum)))
    161                  ((and (= (caar l) (caar accum))
    162                        (= (cdar l) (cdar accum))) (loop (cdr l) accum))
    163                  (else (loop (cdr l) (cons (car l) accum)))))))
    164       (loop l '()))))
    166 (define count-unique-spaces
    167   (lambda (move-fn end-pos)
    168     (let ((move-list (build-move-list move-fn)))
    169       (length (unique (sort-moves (map (lambda (chain)
    170                                          (car (list-tail chain end-pos)))
    171                                        move-list)))))))
    173 (define solve
    174   (lambda ()
    175     (let ((star-1 (count-unique-spaces (lambda (dir count move-list)
    176                                          (move-knots 0 dir count move-list))
    177                                        1))
    178           (star-2 (count-unique-spaces (lambda (dir count move-list)
    179                                          (move-knots 8 dir count move-list))
    180                                        9)))
    181       (display "Star 1 answer: ")
    182       (print star-1)
    183       (display "Star 2 answer: ")
    184       (print star-2))))