
Unofficial Common Lisp client library for Cohost
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client-v1-impl.lisp (11815B)

      1 (in-package :cohost.client-v1-impl)
      3 (defclass cohost-client-v1 (cohost-client) ())
      5 (defmethod init-client ((api-ver (eql :v1)))
      6   (make-instance 'cohost-client-v1 :api-path "api/v1/" :cookie-jar (make-instance 'drakma:cookie-jar)))
      8 (defun %salt (client email)
      9   (assoc-val :salt (cohost-rpc client "login/salt" :get :email email)))
     11 (defun %login (client email client-hash)
     12   (cohost-rpc client "login" :post :email email :client-hash client-hash))
     14 (defun serialize-connect-token (cookie-jar)
     15   (let ((cookie (find-if (lambda (cookie) (string= (drakma:cookie-name cookie) "connect.sid"))
     16                          (drakma:cookie-jar-cookies cookie-jar))))
     17     (format nil "~a;~a" (drakma:cookie-value cookie) (drakma:cookie-expires cookie))))
     19 (defun deserialize-connect-token (token)
     20   (let* ((split-pos (position #\; token))
     21          (value (subseq token 0 split-pos))
     22          (expiration (parse-integer (subseq token (1+ split-pos)))))
     23     (make-instance 'drakma:cookie
     24                    :name "connect.sid"
     25                    :value value
     26                    :expires expiration
     27                    :domain ""
     28                    :securep t
     29                    :http-only-p t)))
     31 (defmethod login ((client cohost-client-v1) email password)
     32   (labels ((pad-base64 (salt)
     33              (format nil "~A~v@{~A~:*~}" salt (mod (length salt) 4) #\.))
     34            (derive-client-hash (password salt)
     35              (derive-key
     36               (make-kdf :pbkdf2 :digest :sha384)
     37               (string-to-octets password)
     38               (base64-string-to-usb8-array
     39                (pad-base64 salt)
     40                :table base64:+uri-decode-table+)
     41               200000
     42               128)))
     43     (let* ((salt (%salt client email))
     44            (client-hash (usb8-array-to-base64-string (derive-client-hash password salt))))
     45       (multiple-value-bind (json http-code)
     46           (%login client email client-hash)
     47         (when (eql http-code 200)
     48           (serialize-connect-token (cookie-jar client)))))))
     50 (defun logged-in-p (client)
     51   (let ((result (assoc-val :result (car (cohost-trpc-batch client (list (login.logged-in)))))))
     52     (assoc-val :logged-in (assoc-val :data result))))
     54 (defmethod login-with-token ((client cohost-client-v1) token)
     55   (let ((cookie (deserialize-connect-token token)))
     56     (setf (cookie-jar client)
     57           (make-instance 'drakma:cookie-jar :cookies (list cookie)))
     58     (when (logged-in-p client)
     59       (serialize-connect-token (cookie-jar client)))))
     61 (defgeneric encode-block (block)
     62   (:method ((block attachment))
     63     (json:with-object ()
     64       (json:encode-object-member :type "attachment")
     65       (json:as-object-member (:attachment)
     66         (json:with-object ()
     67           (json:encode-object-member :alt-text (or (alt-text block) ""))
     68           (json:encode-object-member :attachment-id (attachment-id block))))))
     69   (:method ((block file-attachment))
     70     (json:with-object ()
     71       (json:encode-object-member :type "attachment")
     72       (json:as-object-member (:attachment)
     73         (json:with-object ()
     74           (json:encode-object-member :alt-text (or (alt-text block) ""))
     75           (json:encode-object-member :attachment-id "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")))))
     76   (:method ((block markdown))
     77     (json:with-object ()
     78       (json:encode-object-member :type "markdown")
     79       (json:as-object-member (:markdown)
     80         (json:with-object ()
     81           (json:encode-object-member :content (or (content block) "")))))))
     83 (defun upload-as-attachment-and-update (client project post-id block)
     84   (if (typep block 'file-attachment)
     85     (let* ((api-path-prefix (format nil "project/~a/posts/~a/attach" project post-id))
     86            (start (cohost-rpc client (strcat api-path-prefix "/start") :post
     87                               :filename (attachment-filename block)
     88                               :content_type (attachment-content-type block)
     89                               :content_length (filesize (attachment-pathname block))))
     90            (attachment-id (assoc-val :attachment-id start)))
     91       (when attachment-id
     92         (let* ((cdn-url (assoc-val :url start))
     93                (required-fields (assoc-val :required-fields start))
     94                ;; This is really weird, using this clunky APPEND instead of the nicer ACONS, but
     95                ;; digitalocean barfs if the file field doesn't appear at the end of input,
     96                ;; after the required fields!
     97                (form-fields-raw (append required-fields
     98                                         (list (list :file
     99                                                     (attachment-pathname block)
    100                                                     :content-type (attachment-content-type block)
    101                                                     :filename (attachment-filename block)))))
    102                (form-fields (loop for pair in form-fields-raw
    103                                   while pair
    104                                   collect (cons (lisp-to-cdn-case (symbol-name (car pair))) (cdr pair)))))
    106           ;; Sort of breaking abstraction here, we should have a general method for CDN uploads
    107           (multiple-value-bind (content http-code)
    108               (funcall (http-request client) cdn-url :method :post
    109                                                      :parameters form-fields
    110                                                      :user-agent cohost.rpc::+user-agent+
    111                                                      :content-length t)
    112             (declare (ignore content))
    113             (if (eql http-code 204)
    114               (let* ((finish (cohost-rpc client (strcat api-path-prefix "/finish/" attachment-id) :post))
    115                      (attachment-id (assoc-val :attachment-id finish)))
    116                 (if finish
    117                     (new-attachment client attachment-id :alt-text (alt-text block))
    118                     block))
    119               block)))))
    120     block))
    122 (defun post->json (post-obj)
    123   (with-output-to-string (json:*json-output*)
    124     (json:with-object ()
    125       (json:encode-object-member :post-state (if (draft post-obj) 0 1))
    126       (encode-json-boolean :adult-content (adult-content post-obj))
    127       (json:encode-object-member :headline (or (headline post-obj) ""))
    128       (when (share-of post-obj)
    129         (json:encode-object-member :share-of-post-id (share-of post-obj)))
    130       (encode-json-array :cws (content-warnings post-obj))
    131       (encode-json-array :tags (tags post-obj))
    132       (json:as-object-member (:blocks)
    133         (json:with-array ()
    134           (dolist (block (content-blocks post-obj))
    135             (json:as-array-member ()
    136               (encode-block block))))))))
    138 (defun %post (client post-obj)
    139   (cohost-json-rpc client
    140                    (format nil "project/~a/posts" (project post-obj))
    141                    (post->json post-obj)))
    143 (defun %update (client post-obj)
    144   (cohost-json-rpc client
    145                    (format nil "project/~a/posts/~a" (project post-obj) (post-id post-obj))
    146                    (post->json post-obj)
    147                    :method :put))
    149 (defmethod post ((client cohost-client-v1) post-obj)
    150   (let* ((project (project post-obj))
    151          (old-post-id (post-id post-obj))
    152          (post-response (if old-post-id
    153                             (%update client post-obj)
    154                             (%post client post-obj)))
    155          (post-id (assoc-val :post-id post-response))
    156          (attachmentsp (find-if (lambda (block) (typep block 'file-attachment)) (content-blocks post-obj))))
    157     (cond
    158       ((and post-id attachmentsp)
    159        (let ((new-post (copy-post client post-obj)))
    160          (setf (post-id new-post) post-id)
    161          (setf (content-blocks new-post)
    162                (loop for block in (content-blocks post-obj)
    163                      collect (upload-as-attachment-and-update client project post-id block)))
    164          ;; Just fire and forget for now
    165          (%update client new-post)
    166          new-post))
    167       (post-id
    168        (let ((new-post (copy-post client post-obj)))
    169          (setf (post-id new-post) post-id)
    170          new-post))
    171       (t (values post-obj post-response)))))
    173 (defun json->block (client block-json)
    174   (case (make-keyword (assoc-val :type block-json))
    175     (:attachment (new-attachment client (assoc-val :attachment-id block-json)
    176                                  :alt-text (assoc-val :alt-text block-json)))
    177     (:markdown (new-markdown-block client
    178                                    (assoc-val :content (assoc-val :markdown block-json))))))
    180 (defun json->post (client post-json)
    181   (new-post client (assoc-val :handle (assoc-val :posting-project post-json))
    182             :share-of (assoc-val :share-of-post-id post-json)
    183             :tags (assoc-val :tags post-json)
    184             :headline (assoc-val :headline post-json)
    185             :content-warnings (assoc-val :cws post-json)
    186             :adult-content (assoc-val :effective-adult-content post-json)
    187             :draft (eql (assoc-val :state post-json) 0)
    188             :id (assoc-val :post-id post-json)
    189             :blocks (loop for block in (assoc-val :blocks post-json)
    190                           collect (json->block client block))))
    192 (defmethod get-post ((client cohost-client-v1) post-id)
    193   (let* ((post-response (cohost-rpc client (format nil "/project_post/~a" post-id) :get))
    194          (post-id (assoc-val :post-id post-response))
    195          (links (when post-id (assoc-val :--links post-response)))
    196          (project-link (find-if (lambda (alist) (string= (cdr (assoc :rel alist)) "project"))
    197                                 links))
    198          (project-href (assoc-val :href project-link))
    199          ;; Just chop off "/api/v1/project/". Sloppy!
    200          (project (when project-href (subseq project-href 16)))
    201          (full-post-response (when (and post-id project) (cohost-trpc-batch client (list (posts.single-post project post-id))))))
    202     (when full-post-response
    203       (json->post client (assoc-val :post (assoc-val :data (assoc-val :result (car full-post-response))))))))
    205 ;;; FIXME: This is awful! We scrape the loaded JSON off the front page, which also means
    206 ;;; loading 60-some k of HTML. This needs to be replaced with something less shit ass as
    207 ;;; soon as we have a better way. My apologies for all of this.
    208 (defmethod get-dash ((client cohost-client-v1))
    209   (let* ((content (funcall (http-request client)
    210                            (base-uri client)
    211                            :cookie-jar (cookie-jar client)))
    212          (base-dom (plump:parse content))
    213          (json-entity (plump:get-element-by-id base-dom "__COHOST_LOADER_STATE__")))
    214     ;; Only try to parse out the posts if we actually got the expected result
    215     (when (and (plump:fulltext-element-p json-entity)
    216                (string= (string-downcase (plump:tag-name json-entity)) "script"))
    217       (let ((dash-json (json:decode-json-from-string (plump:text json-entity))))
    218         (loop for post in (assoc-val :posts (assoc-val :dashboard dash-json))
    219               collect (json->post client post))))))
    221 ;;; Event stream methods
    222 (defmethod open-event-stream ((client cohost-client-v1))
    223   (funcall (http-request client)
    224            (concatenate 'string (base-uri client) "rc/dashboard/event-stream")
    225            :cookie-jar (cookie-jar client) :accept "text/event-stream" :want-stream t))
    227 ;;; tRPC primitive queries
    228 (define-trpc-request "projects.listEditedProjects" ())
    229 (define-trpc-request "projects.followingState" ("projectHandle"))
    230 (define-trpc-request "login.loggedIn" ())
    231 (define-trpc-request "bookmarks.tags.list" ())
    232 (define-trpc-request "users.displayPrefs" ())
    233 (define-trpc-request "posts.isLiked" (:atom))
    234 (define-trpc-request "posts.singlePost" ("handle" "postId"))
    235 (define-trpc-request "posts.profilePosts" ("projectHandle" "page" "options"))
    236 (define-trpc-request "posts.getPostsTagged" ("projectHandle" "tagSlug"))
    237 (define-trpc-request "posts.byProject" ("projectHandle" "page"))