Today I Will Launch My Infant Son Into Orbit


Everybody Is Lazy And Useless Except Me

It is always infuriating when social critiques get twisted into "and that's why everybody [implicitly: EXCEPT ME AND PEOPLE IN WHATEVER COHORT IS CONVENIENT] is stupid and lazy today". No, it's not capitalism, see, it's because of the People You Don't Like.

"Nobody wants to work!" You bought a home and car on a minimum wage job, everyone works easily just as hard as you did for a lot less. "People today have no attention spans!" Movies have gotten interminably long and people will regularly chill and watch four hour video essays or 8 straight hours of a new Netflix series at a shot, sounds like a skill issue. "These lazy workers are the reason cars suck now and Boeing planes fall out of the sky!" When was the last time you reported a safety or quality issue to your boss or in fact made a meaningful decision about your work at all, my good fucking dude?

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Posted by decay on Saturday, February 15th 2025 at 9:47 am PST