This is quite possibly the single most important punk compilation ever released. Fat Mike somehow got 101 bands, many (most?) of whom were not signed to Fat Wreck Chords, to contribute songs that were 30 seconds or less to this and so it's this perfect time capsule of punk in 1999. Everything is here, you have giants of the era like Blink-182, The Offspring and Green Day, all at their most actually punk, you've got bands like Black Flag (who were sadly already on their way into right-wing irrelevance) and The Descendents that were monsters long before Fat Mike ever got started, you've got a no-star lineup of bands that should have been bigger than they were, and every damn thing in between. You even have Terrorgruppe and Wizo representing German punk in the best way possible and Spazz shit-talking half the other bands on the album! What more could you want?
Less, uh, unfortunate songs like No Fun At All's Get A Grip, that's what we could want. It's uh... well, I'm glad we don't have people using "fag" as a generic insult so much these days. That's a good thing. Maybe we could also not have White Flag pushing their dumb fashy bullshit too, I'd be down with that. Still, in the balance: An absolutely essential beast of a compilation. Not bad for something that everyone thought was a joke at the time.
Posted by decay on Sunday, February 23rd 2025 at 5:21 pm PST
Last updated by decay on Sunday, February 23rd 2025 at 5:22 pm PST

Posted by decay on Sunday, February 16th 2025 at 9:44 pm PST
Goth is dead. That's okay, because it's been dead since about ten minutes after it was invented and none of us care too much. As long as I can cadge a Djarum and a glass of absinthe or a snakebite, the world is gonna keep turning. But goth, being (suitably enough) undead for much longer than the five months or so in 1982 it was was ever really alive in the first place, has strayed far, far from its roots, especially musically.
As truly classic goth music goes, there are giants of the... genre? Style tribe (ugh)? Subculture? Bands even the straights know about. Bauhaus, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Joy Division, The Cure.
And, of course, there's The Sisters of Mercy.
Posted by decay on Sunday, February 16th 2025 at 6:51 pm PST
Last updated by decay on Tuesday, February 25th 2025 at 10:27 pm PST
Posted by decay on Saturday, February 15th 2025 at 3:53 pm PST
It is always infuriating when social critiques get twisted into "and that's why everybody [implicitly: EXCEPT ME AND PEOPLE IN WHATEVER COHORT IS CONVENIENT] is stupid and lazy today". No, it's not capitalism, see, it's because of the People You Don't Like.
"Nobody wants to work!" You bought a home and car on a minimum wage job, everyone works easily just as hard as you did for a lot less. "People today have no attention spans!" Movies have gotten interminably long and people will regularly chill and watch four hour video essays or 8 straight hours of a new Netflix series at a shot, sounds like a skill issue. "These lazy workers are the reason cars suck now and Boeing planes fall out of the sky!" When was the last time you reported a safety or quality issue to your boss or in fact made a meaningful decision about your work at all, my good fucking dude?
Posted by decay on Saturday, February 15th 2025 at 9:47 am PST
So I have this friend. The important things to know about this friend are that:
- He is cooler than he thinks he is,
- He is easily one of the smartest people I know, and,
- He has some pop cultural gaps for some similar reasons as me,
- He is cooler than he thinks he is WHICH I WILL CONTINUE TO REMIND YOU TALEN.
He is also a blogger who is much better about actually maintaining a blog than I am, and I offered a list of albums for him to Do Postes about, because music is cool and good. Belatedly (like months later, after we talked about some of said posts), it occurred to me that I might also want to Do Postes about the same albums, because they are cool and good.
Posted by decay on Friday, February 14th 2025 at 7:23 pm PST
Last updated by decay on Saturday, February 15th 2025 at 10:30 am PST
that's it that's the post death to all fascists here in the us and in europe and everywhere
Posted by decay on Wednesday, February 12th 2025 at 6:51 pm PST
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Posted by decay on Friday, February 7th 2025 at 6:32 pm PST